2) The other Nobel DNA guy - Maurice Wilkins
3) The Z-DNA guy - Alexander Rich
4) The non-Nobel X-ray diffraction DNA guys - Raymond Gosling and Herbert Wilson

5) The almost DNA guy - Linus Pauling
Unfortunately there is no photo of Rosalind Franklin with a molecular model.
Thank you for mentioning Rosalind Franklin. Every time I here the words Watson and Crick I cringe. Ms. Franklin knew that their early work was wrong but being that she was a woman and Jewish she did what was expected of her and said very little in public.
Even after all this time and Cricks death, Dr Watson has yet to really acknowledge her role in their conclusions. It is about time that she starts getting the recognition she deserves and has rightfully earned.
If you want a more in depth look at her life there is an excellent autobiography: Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA by Brenda Maddox. It is a must read for every ethics class for science majors.
Just my 2 cent rant.
From what I know about Watson and his personality, I wouldn't expect Franklin to get any acknowledgment from him. Which is unfortunate, but maybe I'm wrong.
The dark lady of DNA was number 2 of the Top 5 (al)chemist biographies
Rosalind did not approve speculative model-building based on incomplete data.
Rosalind did not like model bulding...Watson says she just wouldn't try it out and see whether it would work or not...that's what made W and C click...they would try anything to solve the problem.
I don't think you'll ever find a picture of Ms. Franklin with a DNA model although she got the X-ray picture of the molecule. But, I still believe that she should be with Mr. Maurice Wilkins in your list.
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